Flag Day Knitter

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I've lost my mind....

You've seen me knit Best Friends dolls, Knitted Babes, sweaters for Barbie.
Well while surfing the net for more Barbie sweater patterns I came accross this freebie. Which by the way is way cool. I checked out the other doll in the picture. Hmm, I also checked out the other patterns on this website and noticed that the clothes somehow looked better on the other doll. So I went here to learn more and they sent me here and well I um - sort of - invested in a doll. Now you can probably figure out by my wording that my doll, Citrine Dream, is FREAKING EXPENSIVE. But, she is a Christmas gift to myself. And no one need know just how much of an investment she is.

She is a beauty.
Now to start knitting that "free" pattern. :- )


  • OMG! In investment for sure! I have never been a big fan of barbies but she might just change my mind! She's gorgeous and I love all the different outfits as well ;o)

    By Blogger Stephanie, at 11:04 AM  

  • So glad to see another doll lover. I believe I've said that before. :) Thanks for the link to the sweater.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:37 AM  

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