Flag Day Knitter

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Glee-fully moving along

Here is my only WIP. Yep in 2008 I am going back to one project at a time. I work better that way. I have finished the ribbing on the bottom and bound off earlier today. Wove in the ends (without trimming, waiting until after blocking for that) and threw it on for a Wip Pic.
Pattern states the next step is the sleeves but I haven't decided how long to make them yet so I am moving straight to the deep V ribbing.
So far so good, even with this pic I am still liking this knit. I was in danger of running out of yarn but luckily saw a post on Ravelry about the Knit Picks shine sport in Aquamarine being discontinued. Yikes, I hurriedly ordered more and I have plenty now.


  • I work better with one thing at a time, too, or if I have to have more than one thing going at a time, I make sure to split my time evenly.

    By Blogger Jenn, at 4:56 PM  

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