Flag Day Knitter

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I've got skulls

My first attempt at 2-color knitting. I think I am doing well. My floats look good and I like the graphics. I uh noticed I reversed the colors....not on purpose, but I still like it. This was chosen as a Christmas gift for a friend of The Boy's. But then that friend fell out of favor (as does happen at 16 years old) and the new fav friend won't wear a hat, (it messes with the hair) so this is now a Dulaan hat.

I other news I took another giant leap into the 21st century and started a Netflix account. We started it Sun, and we rec'd our first shipment today. Yeah, movie night. Especially with the next big storm hitting us around midnight, (rain, wind & snow)I am all set for a snow day.


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